Cleansing Rituals for Everyday Protection

· 1 min read

Cleansing Rituals for Everyday Protection

Salt Water Cleansing
Mix sea salt with water and sprinkle it around your space to clear negative energy. You can also use it to cleanse magickal tools.

Smoke Cleansing
Use herbs like sage, rosemary, or palo santo to cleanse your aura or home by wafting the smoke and visualizing negativity leaving.

Sound Cleansing
Use a bell, singing bowl, or clapping hands to break up stagnant energy in your space.
Sound is powerful for raising vibrations.

Sun & Moon Water
Charge water under the sun for energizing protection or under the moon for intuitive cleansing. Use this water to anoint doors, windows, or yourself.

Herbal Floor Wash
Boil protective herbs like basil, rosemary, or peppermint in water, and use the mixture to mop your floors. It purifies the space and invites positive energy.